Growing Strong: How Gardening Benefits Early Childhood Development

Louise Mercieca

The routines established during childhood frequently influence an individual’s lifestyle and behavioural tendencies in later life. Engaging in gardening activities such as growing fruits and vegetables presents a distinct opportunity to foster enduring, beneficial habits concerning nutrition, mental health, physical activity, mindfulness, and environmental consciousness in our children.   Gardening with children provides a unique […]

Ofsted’s Evolving Approach to Early Years Inspections: a closer look

Ofsted Page Image

Change can be unsettling, but it can also be the catalyst for positive transformation. In the early years sector, a shift appears to be underway as Ofsted introduces more updates to its Early Years Inspection Handbook, effective from January 19, 2024. These changes have been prompted by the tragedy surrounding Ruth Perry, do they signal […]

Trust your instinct!!

working with babies

The main symptom associated with meningitis is a rash BUT are we correct in thinking this? Bacteria Meningitis can kill within hours! With the purple non-blanching rash appearing in later stages appearing and disappearing or not appearing at all! So, let us look at less commonly known symptoms and we would urge you to trust […]

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