Training Courses
Find Training Courses that are of interest to you.

Building up the necessary skillsets in your team to allow your nursery to run more smoothly is critical to your success. Our early years leadership training and mentoring services can help you achieve this. To coin a phrase, teamwork makes the dream work.

Under the current Education Inspection Framework (EIF) the key aspects relate to how well your team is performing and how secure their knowledge is on such things as safeguarding. Their understanding of how the inspection works is an important part of ensuring the best results.

The EYFS requires us all to undertake continuous professional development. Bringing your team together for ongoing CPD improves practice, builds their confidence and contributes to the delivery of the very best care and education for the children.

Having all staff develop an understanding of the needs of children with SEND provides the opportunity to create a truly inclusive setting. One that offers all children the best possible start in life. Our SEND courses are designed to be practical, informative and interactive and can have a dramatic effect on the smooth running of your setting.

Paediatric First Aid (PFA) courses run every month in our Warwickshire Training Centre. If this isn’t accessible for you then we can come to you and deliver in your premises to a group of 12 practitioners from settings around you.