Expert Help With Ofsted Inspections

Improve Your Ofsted Rating & Feel Fully Prepared With Consultancy From The Leading Industry Experts


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Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance

Are you looking for help preparing for an Ofsted inspection? Are you feeling worried, disappointed or frustrated with your latest inspection rating?

Your Ofsted Rating can be the difference between success or failure in your business. A high rating will attract clients, increase income and future-proof your early years setting. A low rating will do the opposite – putting your clients, staff and business at risk.

Whether you’re new to early years and looking for support as you find your feet, or you’re an established provider who wants or needs to improve your rating fast, you’re in the right place. 

At MBK, we’re passionate about helping other early years setting providers to thrive. As experts in early years practice, we have carefully developed our Ofsted consultancy services to enable you to feel fully prepared for your next Ofsted inspection and achieve better ratings for a brighter future.

Our Ofsted Help Services

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education. They’re responsible for inspecting and regulating organisations and individuals providing education, training and care services for children and young people.

Our Ofsted Help services will allow you to feel confident that you’re fully prepared for your next Ofsted inspection.

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A Full Audit Of Your Early Years Setting

Are you anxious or concerned about your next Ofsted inspection? Would you like to know how your setting is likely to perform? An audit could be the answer!

Whether you are a brand new setting awaiting your first inspection, currently waiting for your next inspection or have even just undertaken an inspection then this service can help you move forward. Designed to be a supportive and interactive process this audit allows for practical discussion and supportive ideas for your setting.

Our early years experts will come to your setting and undertake a full quality audit of everything that you do. Whilst they will be looking at your setting with an eye on what Ofsted will be looking for, they will also discuss with you  there and then what your options are based on their findings. You’ll also receive a written report detailing any areas of concern discussed and identifying these opportunities for improvement. This quality audit is delivered in a much more relaxing way than the Ofsted Experience Day.

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Inspection Experience Day

Want to know what an Ofsted inspection is really like? Wondering how your team will perform under pressure? Our Ofsted inspection Experience Days (sometimes called a mocksted) give you the opportunity to test your setting and your staff, without the risk of ruining your rating. We’ll provide you with a 2 week window and then, following a phone call we’ll show up at your setting with just 1/2 days notice, the same notice Ofsted gives with a real inspection, and carry out a full inspection experience in exactly the same way. Think of it like an Ofsted inspection rehearsal – giving you the opportunity to see how your setting performs and helping your team feel confident about what to expect when the big day really comes.

Once the experience day is complete we will feedback to the owner and manager how the day went and discuss our recommendations. It doesn’t stop there though. We will then complete a written report for you, in a current report style. In addition to this we will also provide you with a stepped action plan to get you to the next level.

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Looking For Something Else?

We run our own successful nurseries and after-school clubs alongside MBK Group, and have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to Ofsted. Ring us on 0845 139 2070, and we can have a chat about your requirements.

At MBK We Have Over 100 Years Of Early Years Expertise To Help You Prepare For Your Ofsted Inspection & Improve Your Rating

We’re passionate about helping our clients achieve more, get better results and enhance staff knowledge. Read what they have to say about us in their own words here …


The visits we have had with Tricia and her team have been wonderfully informative, lots of useful information that has proven to be very practical. The visits have assisted with the continued progression of the nursery curriculum and financial stability, along with supporting our self evaluation and staff development.

Sabrina Watt
Manager Toddlers Nursery
Lewes, East Sussex

Following a surprising and devastating Ofsted inspection result we received a flyer from MBK through the post which offered sympathy and understanding to settings that had been downgraded.
I don't usually respond to flyers or marketing but there was something about MBK which caught my attention. I followed it up and received excellent customer service and was directed quickly to their Ofsted expert, Emma, who subsequently visited and completed an audit. We have now received full staff training and follow up visits and I feel that our team can now confidently articulate how we are implementing the EYFS for all of our children and will no long feel intimidated when Ofsted return. MBK have been professional throughout and Emma is especially dynamic, extremely knowledgeable and a great trainer. Ofsted re-inspected in May 2023 and whilst the report is yet to be published we are happy with the result and plan to have MBK in on a regular basis to support our professional development.

Clare then achieved her Good outcome on re-inspection in May 2023.

Clare Russell
Early Days UK Ltd

I can quite confidently say finding MBK was my best ever Google search!! As a setting we had a really difficult few months following a negative Ofsted inspection. The staff morale was very low and it was very hard for me as owner & manager to get any message across to any of my staff. I came across MBK via a Google search in an act of despair. It turns up engaging MBK was the best decision I ever made! The staff responded to their feedback and totally loved the inspiring advice and the team training session delivered by Emma & Charmaine. I plan to continue working with them long-term on my settings progress. Thank you ladies, we are definitely ON THE BUS!

Elettra Marziani

If it hadn’t been for this inspection experience then the staff would not have got to grips with the three I’s and the quality of education judgement may have been compromised. As it was the team became much more focused on how to implement the three I’s and how this affected closing gaps in children’s learning.

Mollamoud Yussuf
Little A'isha

Our whole team would most definitely recommend the Ofsted Experience Day to any setting who are keen to ensure they are providing the very best they can for the children in their care.

The experience was very well received by all members of our team as our Mock Inspector made everyone feel at ease whilst still making the day feel ‘real’. All staff said the visit was invaluable in aiding their confidence, especially since the mock inspector offered hints and tips following any interaction with them. The Management team had some constructive discussions with the Mock Inspector, and we were really appreciative of any actions that were highlighted to us to better our offering to our children and families.

The one thing that stood out was the supportive nature of the visit. Not only did we gain a real insight into what a real inspection would be like, we were also able to learn lots from our Mock Inspector who was extremely knowledgeable. The inspector pointed out any areas for improvement in a really positive and supportive way and really celebrated our successes.

Kate McLeod
Little Dragons

What Makes MBK The Top Choice For Help With Ofsted

Inspection Experience 1

First Hand Ofsted Inspection Experience

We’ve been running our own early years services for over 23 years. Each one undergoes regular Ofsted inspections, so we know exactly how they work and what you need to do to be prepared and get outstanding results.

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Support From An Outstanding Provider

Our latest Outstanding report (July 2022) stated “The manager and deputy manager lead the provision with vision, enthusiasm and expertise. Their absolute commitment to supporting each member of staff to be the best they can be has been the driving force in establishing provision of such high quality”

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Expert Consultants With Varied Skill Sets

All the MBK consultants work within our own nursery settings and have different backgrounds in early years services. This means that we’re able to use a wealth of experience, knowledge and skills, from leadership to legislation, to help your business.

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We’re Solely Focused On Early Years Practice

Unlike some training and consultancy services that have fingers in many pies, MBK doesn’t. We’re solely focused on early years services. This means that we spend all our energy and time improving care for children, and the knowledge and skills of people who care for them.

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It Pays To Be Prepared For Your Ofsted Inspection. Can You Afford To Risk A Low Rating?

Most families will look at your Ofsted rating before anything else, and it may be the deciding factor to find out more about your early years service or not. A low rating will often put people off, leaving your numbers low, income dwindling and affecting your reputation. This needn’t be the case.

It takes a fresh pair of eyes, expert early years knowledge and a consultant knowledgeable about Ofsted, who cares enough to help you turn things around. That’s us! Call today, and we can chat about how we can help you be better prepared for Ofsted and become outstanding. Alternatively, email or fill in the contact form below and we’ll get back to you.

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