Working hours
Mon - Fri: 8am to 5pm
Mon - Fri: 8am to 5pm
The nursery had undergone staff changes in its After School club and with its manager recently returned from maternity leave and a new EYFS framework in place, it felt there were some grey areas about expectations.
MBK conducted a site visit to observe practice and undertake a mini-audit of the After School Club’s paperwork, from administration to planning., before generating a Visit Report with a set of recommendations and an Improvement Action Plan, which included a list of actions for the nursery to implement and a further consultancy visit, as well as advice on policy updates and new policy requirements and access to useful resources
After progressing with the full consultancy recommendation, a meeting was held with the manager and club team, whereupon a new planning system was discussed and introduced to ensure the EYFS requirements were met, along with new policies and procedures requirements including the provision of policy templates.
Following on from this Jane has now joined our Bright Early Years Mastermind group to continue receiving support for moving the business forward.
MBK was then able to monitor the nursery’s progress and advise on how it would take the other recommendations forward within the facility.
“We are now feeling much better in Afterschool, as we have just about all the correct paperwork in place that we worked on, so thank you very much”
Our early years consultancy service helps you make changes that matter to you, your clients, staff and your business. Don’t just take our word for it. Read it in our client’s own words here…
Millennium House, High Street,
Studley, Warwickshire, B80 7HJ.