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Mon - Fri: 8am to 5pm
Safer Recruitment in Education

Safer Recruitment in Education Training

Having a safe recruitment process is vital to keeping children safe. This Safer Recruitment Training is delivered to meet requirements of the legislation.

Ticket Price: £35

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What you'll learn

Safer Recruitment in Education Training

If you recruit staff and/or volunteers into the children and young people’s workforce, it is recommended that you are trained in safer recruitment practices.  In particular, schools and education settings are becoming increasingly accountable for safeguarding children when recruiting and selecting staff. For maintained schools, it has also been mandatory since January 1, 2010, for any staff appointments to be made by a recruitment panel with at least one member trained in safer recruitment.

This safer recruitment course has been developed in line with the Department for Education’s statutory guidance for England ‘Working together to safeguard children and with ‘Keeping children safe in education’

Safer Recruitment for Schools and Colleges course content

Participants gain the skills they need to ensure that safeguarding is at the heart of their recruitment decisions. By the end of our one day course, participants will have:

  • Identified key features of staff recruitment that help deter or prevent the appointment of unsuitable people
  • Considered policies and practices that minimise opportunities for abuse or ensure its prompt reporting
  • Begun to review their own organisation’s policies and practices with a view to making them safe

For more detailed information about booking training courses see our Training FAQ’s

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We can deliver to either your individual setting or to a group of settings arranged by yourself.
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