Working hours
Mon - Fri: 8am to 5pm
SDS3 Supervision


All the essential Supervisions documents are here in this section. A comprehensive and effective supervision process that works towards real improvement and based on children’s needs and includes some useful tools to support practitioners in taking ownership of the process. Scroll down for the complete list of documents.

Supervisions need to be effective at safeguarding the children and improving staff performance alongside ensuring the children’s needs are being met and that the well-being of staff is considered. Our Supervision programme covers all these aspects and places expectations on practitioners to own their supervision rather than seeing it as a process to be done to them. Here we have all the necessary paperwork. if you want the full package including training materials, skills matrix and more then take a look at the COMPLETE PACKAGE. The complete list of documents are:

Supervision Strategy
Supervisions Process Flowchart
Supervision Chronology
Individual Supervision Contract
Catch Up
Safe & Well
How’s the Children
What Next
Let’s Chat
Creative Solutions 1
Creative Solutions 2
Annual Appraisal
Supervision for Leaders & Managers
Sign off Sheet
Continuation Sheet
Supervision Feedback
Supervisions Monitoring Schedule

Price. £85.00

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