Working hours
Mon - Fri: 8am to 5pm
SG6 Food Hygiene

Food & Hygiene

Our Food & Hygiene section includes all the ‘nuts and bolts’ policies, procedures and documents to ensure that all those basic items are being carried out effectively every single day.

Our Food & Hygiene section is the backbone to ensuring that the many basic elements required in a nursery are being done, day in day out. Over 50 documents of all those ‘little things’ that our teams need to know and do. Having everything written down makes a real difference in ensuring things actually get done when they are needed to be.

The documents in this section are:

Nappy Changing Routine Poster
Nappy Changing Routine
Nappy Chart
Nappy Changing Information Chart
Bathroom Cleaning Procedure Poster
Bathroom Cleaning Procedure
Bathroom Checklist
Housekeeping Routine
Lunchtime Kitchen Daily Routine
Rules of the Kitchen
Lunch Numbers
Kitchen/Housekeeping Routine Poster
Kitchen/Housekeeping Routine
Kitchen Daily Clean Checklist
Room Cleaning Checklist
Club Cleaning Check List
Bathroom Cleaning Checklist
Shared Areas Cleaning Checklist
Diluting Cleaning Solutions
Colour Coding for Cleaning Poster
Out of School Club Daily Cleaning
Cleaning Rota
Food and Drink Policy
Fridge & Freezer Temperature Control Guidelines Poster
Fridge & Freezer Temperature Control Guidelines
Fridge & Freezer Temperature Record
Temperature Labels
Cleaning of Fridge Every Friday / Rota
Food Probing Guidelines Poster
Food Probing Guidelines
Microwave Guidelines Poster
Microwave Guidelines
Babies Feeding Needs
Sterilizer Guidelines
Food & Drink Procedure
Baby Led Weaning Leaflet Handout
Weaning & Baby Led Weaning Policy
Allergy & Special Dietary Requirements
Cooking & Recording of Food Cooked On Site
Catered Food Temperature Record
Own Food Temperature Records
Cooked Food Temperature Record
Monthly Probe Thermometer Check
Snack Menu
Sand Play & Cleaning Procedure
Basic Hand Washing Hygiene
Head Lice Information Sheet
A Guide To Your Dyson
Shoes Off Policy & Procedure Poster
Shoes Off Policy & Procedure
Baby Suite Hand Washing Routine Procedure
Guidance for the Safe Preparation of Milk Feeds
Parents Guidance for the Safe Preparation of Bottles
Healthy Eating Booklet
Eat Well Plate
Drinking Cups Advice
Food for Play Policy
Risk Assessment Food Play
Allergy Policy
Child Alert Cards – Dietary
Toilet Training Guidance

Price. £150.00

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